For one reason or another we got up later than we should have. By the time we started wandering about, the clean up was all ready well under way and we didn't see the sort of ankle deep rubbish we had seen on previous years. So well done in a way but disappointing find wise. It was also clear that several Drug Larks were all ready working the area at the same time as us!
Montage of the hippy crack trail follows.
Some stand out finds, nice head phones, disgusting looking liquid inside it though.
First sign of serious drug taking, I would say that means that a good job is being done by some of the local charities, needle exchanges and so on
Yeah right! That'll be the only empty bin in Brighton this weekend.
Mind you it's big enough.
It still feels wrong that Pride is allowed to ghettoize parts of Brighton. Two minutes after we took this picture a couple of alternative looking types tried to steal the security guards bag. I have a lot of sympathy for those who think Pride has lost its way.
We missed some of the main parts of Brighton affected by Pride, we didn't go to Preston Park or onto the Beach so if you have any photos of those areas let us know! By far hippy crack was the most common find, green striped bags still out number the reds. A great deal of cleaning up had all ready been done, bad for us, good for Brighton. There were still some people around who had clearly not been to sleep.