Is it a wrongness if two gloves from the same pair get it on with each other?
Non threatening socks! What a relief
Socks again! If anyone can enlighten me on the significance of the piece of lego and the stock cube I would be grateful. I think I can work out the significance of the piss stain myself.
We depart from Brighton to Canterbury, the difference in the quality of gloves is immediately obvious.
Such as thou art, sometime was I. Such as I am, such shalt thou be.
Such a lot of such! It comes to us all the great leveller.
Gauntlets often represented loyalty, I'm not sure what fancy pants golden gauntlets with rubies represent, more money than sense probably.
This glove belonged to the Black Prince (15 June 1330 – 8 June 1376) you don't have to wait for Black History month on this website we celebrate multiculturalism all year round.
However we don't care what colour royalty are, we take the same view as death, all are equal in our eyes.
Posh people are an odd lot, here is a glove left on an altar ready for public sacrifice. The writing on the altar reads "If you prick us, do we not snag? If you cut us do we not fray?" People are walking by like literally nothing is happening. Shocking.
A cold blooded lot too, standing there looking on as a stabbed glove bleeds out its life force. Like Caesar seeking the privacy of his toga at his moment of passing so this glove seeks privacy in it's last moment under a leaf. A heartless passerby denies the poor glove even that last crumb of dignity. You'd think they would be a bit more sympathetic given the colour of their trainers. Or maybe they did the stabbing in a purple on purple crime and they are doing bit of gloating. Who knows?
But this is a town where they try and trick people with concrete toilet roll! Try sending your toddler over to kick that down the street and they'll know all about it! Fiendish. Get a photo if you're going to do that.
The grimmest has been saved to last, drowned pulled out and displayed for all to see. Medieval in its horror!
Back to Brighton, well Shoreham actually. Heart breaking, thank goodness its only a dolls shoe I dont think I could have stood it otherwise. Many thanks to the friend of who sent this in.
From the same valued contributor, glove hiding in bush waiting to pounce! Lovely greenery with matching front doors.
I have no idea why a small child was climbing over a barbed wire fence, we all have our reasons, but they left their sock behind.
Gloves, mittens, gloves, mittens
A few days later, a little movement.
This glove fails to give a clear signal as to which path to follow. Bad scout. Though perhaps its just a traditional English greeting.
Jake the peg? A visitor from the Ellan Vannin?
A handful of gloves. Starting with something vaguely crime sceney.
Hand and foot. A passer by gets their timing just right and cues up a song! I just can't get over losing you and so if I seem broken and blue, walk on by. Stranglers of course.
A lonely shoe on the level.
We have had a shoe so lets follow with a sock.
Followed by a glove, a fancy cyclist's glove at that.
Night time is the right time for lone gloves
Another contribution from an OG Drug Lark. A mitten just made it to the pavement. I do appreciate the photos so keep sending them to me. Classic rule of 3.
Something medically and some night time gloves.