Brighton is the only place I have lived where you thank god for the rain. Rain which helps to wash away the garbage and trash off the pavements. But they are so stained that even when a real rain comes to wash all the scum off the streets
it doesn't seem to make any difference. Sick, venal.
The poor old bins come in for a pasting from our local artists. Its not at all unusual to see this amount of rubbish lying about in the mornings.
I think the seagull self identifies as a duck judging by the way he looks to be walking with a quack and a waddle and a quack. Get out of town!
Warning, Graphic Content. A shooting victim of the senseless bin wars.
An elastic band cock and balls, surprisingly common.
There's things I haven't told you, I go out late at night. I have no idea what this is I was too scared to get any closer. What the fuck.
Mainly the Level and London road but a few from further afield.
Oh Infinity, Et tu Brutus? Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it.....
She goes to the trouble of writing you a lovely note and you chuck it? This is probably my best find ever. What a darling, writing a nice note like that. What a twit for binning it, or in fact a treble twit for
1) binning it in the first place, should be on your wonder wall
2) failing to bin it properly and so
c) leaving it for me to find
Seagulls! Kings and Queens of Brighton.
But I don't agree with a parasitic monarchy claiming a god given right to tell me what to do whether they are seagull or human. As for our queen have you heard what your boy Andrew has been up to? As for yourself, clinging desperately on, stopping your eldest child from doing the only job he can ever do, that's not nice is it?
How about SkyLords of Brighton? I really like that but it's still a bit lord and lady muck and people will say GayLords instead because that's what people are like.
OK, Seagulls, SkyCitizens of the Brighton and Hove Republic.
Motto, "Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair"
By "ye Mighty" I mean the poor old street cleaners. Now that I like the sound of.
SkyCitizens of the Brighton and Hove Republic in action!
Mind you foxes play a part as well in ripping up the rubbish bags we leave lying around. Its there in the middle of the picture, well mainly you can just see its eyes.
A bag of rubbish just chucked in a corner no effort to get rid of it properly, Oh dear.
Christmas is over, baubles no longer required.
Christmas trees no longer required either.
This one had babies
Inevitably after the high of christmas many trees are left feeling there is little point in going on, this one was just about to jump. I talked him down.
Mistletoe too.
Pavement chips! A pidgeon pretends not to be interested.