We went mud larking recently and enjoyed its immensely but as we cannot go as often as we would like we thought we would adapt mud larking to our local environment and came up with Drug Larking.
Anyone who has stayed behind to clear up after a festival will know that looking for drugs that have been lost by their owner is a “thing” and Drug Larking is that thing. A Drug Lark is the person doing the looking. Most commonly Drug Larking is just finding the bags or other debris. But you don’t have to wait for a festival, we have several local druggy hotspots.
Our policy is to look but not touch, you won’t always know what you are dealing with!
We know that drugs can cause massive problems in peoples lifes and so 10% of any profit from merchandising will go to a local drug charity, because people need a bit of help some times.
Click on the menu top left to see our adventures!
We support the legalisation of cannabis, we believe the current laws criminalise people for no good reason and to no good effect.
All images on this site are copyright protected and all logos are registered trademarks. For further information about anything or to show an interest in any of our merchandise or to tell us your experience of Drug Larking please contact us using the form below.